On Monday, February 20th Peter got a small cut on his hand which developed into an angry wound by the next morning. When prescribed antibiotics did not reduce the extreme swelling by Thursday, he was sent to the Emergency Room at Maine Medical Center. Blood tests showed that his platelet count was down to 6000 [a normal person has 150000] and that his white blood cells were dangerously low.
He was checked into the hospital immediately.
The most important task at hand was to clear up the infection. He was put on an antibiotic drip. He was brought to a pressurized room in Gibson, the cancer ward, because of his severely impaired immune system. On the way to the room he had to wear a mask. Two days before he had played tennis and won. In one instant our lives changed.
Peter is in the care of Dr. Marjorie A. Boyd, a respected hematologist who diagnosed Peter with AML...Acute Myeloid Leukemia.... that evening. On Friday morning she did a bone marrow biopsy and by the evening pathology confirmed that Peter has AML somewhere between M1 and M2. Samples where sent to the Mayo Clinic and Dana Farber in Boston for genetic testing. We were told that Peter is a very unusual case. Although 77 years old he is extremely fit and healthy. The echocardiogram showed he has the heart of a 20 year old and would be strong enough to undergo treatments that people in his age group would normally be challenged by.
On Tuesday, March 6th Peter was readmitted into Maine Medical Center for 3 to 4 weeks of chemo therapy with the goal of bringing the cancer into remission.
Please check posts on the Home Page for updates on Peter's progress.
Dear Peter and Jutta.....Thank you for sharing the details. Especially glad to hear how strong Peter is. His 20 year old heart will surely see him thru this arduous procedure going forward.
I am saddened you both have to endure this latest challenge. Your family strength and love will guide you.
All best wishes and much love, Elke
Peter & Jutta,
Andrew and I are so very sorry to hear of the diagnosis and wish you strength during the induction phase of his treatment.
The blog is such a great idea to help your family and friends stay in touch with everything, especially given the isolation requirements.
I hope that the contact both of you can maintain with your far reaching family/friend base provides support during this month which can be isolating both physically and emotionally.
How hopeful that he can be treated with stronger chemo since in such fine physical shape.
We wish you quick, successful, event-free emergence into remission and strong healing thoughts.
Ally de Groat & Andrew Axilrod
How wonderful for you both to have this link to the outside world while you undergo this challenge!
I'm glad to hear the whole story.........bizarre that it is.
How is Peter's hand now? Does the treatment hurt? Wow! his condition otherwise is astounding! Love to you both, Pamela
Lieber Peter, liebe Jutta,
Ich gratuliere Euch für den für Euch so typischen positiven Approach...must be successful at the end.Ich bin ganz fest mit Euch, ich weiss ja wie sich solch schwierige Situationen anfühlen.
Also, mi Bebbi, nur das Beste wünsch ich Dir und Jutta.Big hug Jacques
I will be following your blog (what a generous idea) every day and holding you both close. From winning tennis to this in an instant. Oh, Jutta. In my mind I will hold Peter as the vibrant, rosy cheeked, healthy guy I know him to be.
I love you both.
Liebe Jutta, lieber Peter
Aus der Schweiz (Bülach) senden wir Euch viel Kraft und wir beten zu Gott, dass die AML von Peter auf die Chemotherapie anspricht und dass die Nebenwirkungen der Therapie zu vernachlässigen sind. Liebe Jutta und Peter, auf dem Foto seht ihr jünger als wir aktuell sind, nämlich 33 und 43, dies ist in allen Hinsichten ein sehr gutes Zeichen:)
Wird wieder gesund Peter, wir denken ganz fest an Euch,Hoang und Ngan
Hello to both of you! I am so glad that you have found a way to connect with your world while going through this. What a good idea this blog is! I will try to post regularly, as I know that the continued comments and words of love and healing really helped my mother when she was in the hospital. If there is anything you want or need, that we can help with, please do not hesitate to ask! We love you both very much and we are sending warm healing thoughts Peter's way.
Hi Mammi and Daddy,
I love the blog. Really good job, Mammi and Avy!
Daddy, my heart aches for you, that you have to go through yet another ordeal - trapped in a hospital, with people poking at you.I'm proud of you and your strength and calm, in the midst of this storm.
Mammi, I wish I could be of more help. You are a survivor - always seeing the positive and being the rock for everyone, including me
Dearest Peter and Jutta,
Since learning of this bump in your long beautiful road, I send prayer and positive thoughts your way, every morning.
Peter, you, and of course Zoe were such a positive light in my life while living in Portland. I am here, if you need anything!
Cathy Manganello
Dear Peter and Jutta,
Ted and I are so glad to be able to hear your news updates on Peter's progress. I know this will be a long month for you and we want to send you both our love and support. We think of you every day and hope that each step goes smoothly and as expected.
Peter clearly shows us that the secret to having a strong heart is to love a lot and love well.
Much love.
Tori and Ted
Dear wonderful Peter and Jutta:
Let me add my voice to the fans, friends, and wellwishers who are keeping you and Peter in our hearts and thoughts.
The photo you've posted of you two seems to me to hold the key to Peter's recovery: health, strength, love, positivity, and certainly being such a good-looking couple has to count for something! What a dynamic duo you are.
I am so glad to hear that you've found such wonderful care right there in Maine, but should you need some second opinions down here on our island, do let me know.
with the greatest affection -- keeping both of you in my heart and thoughts, and sending chicken-soup-wishes your way . . ./ claudia
Dear Peter & Jutta...
Thank you for the blog. I am so very sorry to hear your news. I didn't know what the initials stood for when I first heard the diagnosis; obviously serious as I feared. But you clearly have all the love and support that any two people could wish for, including mine. I often think of that wonderful evening eating seafood by the ocean. I'll hold that image and so many others of your deeply rich and satisfying life. Healing happens.
my love to you both - Lynn
Dearest Peter and Jutta,
Even though Gregg and I are on the other side of the world (and perhaps because of that), you are in our thoughts every day. We are sending you both and Heidi, Mark and their families positive energy and our love.
Love...for over 50 years...love,
Monica and Gregg
Dear Peter and Jutta,
We were so sad to hear the news, but at the same time we are heartened knowing that Peter's in excellent hands -- not only his doctors', but also yours, Jutta!
We know Peter will get through the coming weeks with flying colors. Peter's always been able to take what life throws at him and come out a stronger person. This latest challenge will be no exception.
All our love, Irene and Christian
Dear Peter, Dear Jutta, this is just a test to see if we can make this work -- we've failed four times...Love and hugs, Joan and David
Dear Peter, Dear Jutta -- we are so sorry you have to go through this hard time. We are also confident that with Peter's strong heart, Jutta's amazing cooking with all organic ingredients, and your deep love for one another, family, and friends, you will prevail! We send love and prayers and every good wish. Joan and
Dear Peter and Jutta,
We were so happy to see your picture today, you look your usual 'handsome dude'-self, Peter, almost like you're at a spa! Yesterday's birthday celebrations sound beautiful and heart warming. Your family knows how to love and support each other like no other. And we're all thinking of you and sending positive energy and love!
I hope you had a good day and got to go outside to enjoy the wonderful spring day.
Much love,
Christina, Gary & Sammy
Dear Peter & Jutta,
Reading about your gifts of Enduring Love, Focus & Strength and all the Positiive Energy you both have as well as the wishes from everyone are amazing. Please know that we love you and will be praying for you.
Many Hugs from your nephews & nieces also grand,
Roy, Cindy, Kelly, Andrew & Evan Christopher
When the sun goes down, the stars come out.
Hi Jutta and Peter,
We have been close friends for 33 years now, a friendship that started back in 1979 when we had the
privilege to study at HBS, Peter and I. We shared joy and
sorrow, happiness and frustration. I have always admired you individually and as a couple that stood together come hell or fire. Now again, another battle to fight,but you will overcome that´s for sure.
Let us share the special bottle of wine I have promised to bring, as soon as physically possible, dear Peter.
Very warmly,
Heiner ( and family)
Dear Jutta, dear Peter
Dear Peter, dear Jutta
Today's news are ever so uplifting. Thank you for letting us all know. Evidently all that poking Heidi worried about is having good results.
And thank you for sharing "for better and for worse." Your account of life in The Penthouse made me laugh: who knows how many stars and toques you, Jutta, and all your friends will have earned by the time Peter returns home. On a more serious note: I recall that you started to cook for Heidi three years ago and your contributions made such a difference at the time. I take it as a good omen for the present.
Chin up! Love,
Rayanne sent this today
Liebe Jutta, lieber Peter
Wir hoffen, dass ihr euch aufgehoben und getragen fühlt durch die Liebe und
Anteilnahme eurer Familie und Freunden.
Auch wünschen wir euch und besonders Dir, lieber Peter, gute Besserung,
innere Stärke und Zuversicht, um diese Zeiten zu überwinden. In unseren
Gedanken und Gebeten sind wir bei euch.
Herzliche Grüsse,
Thi, Chinh und die Buben
Mark Graf has left a new comment on your post "March 20th":
OK - this is your son, Mark. Out of some reason the authentication doesn't like me unless I use "Anonymous", so that's who I'll be for now.
Super great site - Avy did such a great job and Mammy is updating it so well!
The food looks great! The desserts especially!
So glad to hear that the chemo did its job - a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders!
I'll call tomorrow again...
OK - got it figured out with the authentication - my bad...
Daddy - you seriously need to go to a wholesale store and buy a big box of those sticky rollers or then just shave the head! Haha!
I'm so glad to hear and see that such a comfy environment has been set up for you and you are being fed so well and surrounded by so much support!!!
Mammy - you are so awesome how you are helping Daddy through these times and "päppel" him back up!!!
I wish I would live closer to swing by right now...
This is the news we've been waiting to hear! So happy that you came through the first hurdle with flying colors! Peter, I'm convinced that your being in excellent physical shape and with Jutta's fantastic cooking keeping you both fit that you are able to weather this better than most. I hope your leg starts to behave soon and you go from strength to strength.
Much love...Monica and Gregg
Was für eine gute Nachricht...Ich wusste der Bebbi schafft das, mit wem soll ich sonst Baseldytsch rede in Maine?? Wegen den Haaren, Peter, remember Kocak...he still had some success!! Bin einfach nur glücklich für Euch und für dich im speziellen.
E grosse, dicke Schmutz. Jacques
Dearest Peter and Jutta,
Hearing the fabulous news - how absolutely wonderful. And of course you can do this, you have done it, and you will continue to do this. You are both so amazing. Your love is so powerful. I continue to send all my prayers and energy to you both.
Love, Vicki
Jutta and Peter, I am so happy to hear that Peter's appetite continues, who's wouldn't with all that nourishing, delicious manna.
I am sorry your blog came about under these circumstances but Jutta, you are a natural "writer." I hope you continue it in the good days to come, you have so much beauty to share.
Peter couldn't help but be handsome lots of hair, not so much hair, whatever...
XO, Bess
Dear Peter, Dear Jutta, what glorious news about the doctor's wonderful findings. Peter, I can see all those white blood cells lining up in their ranks by type and marching off to do their duty by you, their wonderful home. We send prayers and cheers and much love. Joan and David
What a beautiful crane.
It must be soothing to look at it swirling gently in the air.
I am so happy for you both with the Bone Marrow results. and for the hair, I would echo the suggestion to shave it and be done.
what beautiful photos you take Jutta and your food must make all who see it on the unit incredibly envious.
I have never seen food like that in any of the hospital rooms I have frequented over the past 28 years. Never.
Food made with love can only heal.
I hope your numbers go up and up.....and that your leg is improving.
and you have the wonderful food to keep you strong, the most important thing.
The blog is amazing- you do write it so beautifully Jutta.
Andrew and I are both sending all of our healing thoughts winging their way north.
Hi Peter and Jutta--
So glad to hear about the good progress. Just as we expected, especially with your strong wills and amazing team. We will continue to think of you every hour of every day. We will miss you in Paris, but will come back with lists for YOU when you go. Just don't expect Bruce to come back with suggestions of where to get the best rabbit.
Bruce and Landis
80+ degrees???? In Maine? In March? I cannot believe it!
Sorry for not calling today, but I met Michael right after work for dinner. He sends all his best wishes and love and healing powers, just like myself.
I'd like to see a picture of the oasis of a hospital room you have created - sounds great!
I hope the docs figure out the leg issue soon - what a bugger!
Thinking of you all the time, Daddy - hang in there during the regeneration phase!
Much love and big hug,
Dear Jutta and Peter,
Just a little note to say you are both in my thoughts and sending prayer and healing thoughts up north, to you. Jutta, your story of letting the nutritionists know your feelings over the food served at the hospital, made me laugh, you are awesome!
I hope you are able to go outdoors again, today, Peter. Nothing like warmth and sunshine to get those white cells working :) I wish you a day filled with peace and good news...
Cathy Manganello
Hi Guys,
Encouraging news that´s for sure, we are so glad .
Jutta, what a caring wife you are, but do not overdo it, Peter might not want to leave the hospital again, fearing that this kind of royal treatment will not continue, once he has been released. That would not be in my interest, because there is a bottle of nice wine waiting.
Hope to see you soon, Heiner
Hi Guys,
Encouraging news that´s for sure, we are so glad .
Jutta, what a caring wife you are, but do not overdo it, Peter might not want to leave the hospital again, fearing that this kind of royal treatment will not continue, once he has been released. That would not be in my interest, because there is a bottle of nice wine waiting.
Hope to see you soon, Heiner
Oh Jutta and Peter! Your life was
turned upside down in an instant! It is terrifying, of course, but you both have what you need to rise above this. For one thing, you clearly have so much loving support from family and friends. Jill and I are proud to take our places among them.
Thank you so much for this website--it is generous of you, and so important to us.
With sincere love,
Dear Jutta, dear Peter
Reading your updates and letting us peek into your hospital room has become a daily rite. As the Little Prince said to the fox, "Il faut avoir des rites."
Thank you for doing this and for inviting us in.
Hello You Two,
Well, I am failing miserably trying to post on your blog. Bruce has done so successfully, but I've tried each of the last two days and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. We are reading your entries each day and loving the updates. I'm sorry to have to add to you regular in-box, but I am--apparently--more of a technology luddite than I'd thought.
Perhaps it's for the best, as writing you privately will allow me to point out that when your hair grows back in, Peter, I think you need to color it. "Celebration Orange," I think, since you always look so handsome in that orange shirt of yours. You, Jutta Darling, will need to color your hair purple in solidarity with dear Peter. I'm sure any one of those granddaughters of yours can help with the process. I'd be happy to in July.
Bruce is en route to Boston today and I'm getting packed and getting Mike tucked away at his trainer's house for the week. We will miss you terribly this trip, which goes without saying, of course. Think of us at Paris dinner time; we'll be toasting you and musing about what the substitute destination will be when you're well and ready to plan. We are looking forward to it.
We love you much. But you know that.
Landis & Bruce
Dear Peter and Jutta,
I am thinking of you daily and wishing you wellness.
I love you both, Cathy
Peter, I'm thinking of you on this beautiful spring day. Chris and I had Kaffee und Kuchen for the first time this year on the balcony. Our thoughts turned to you, and we hope that as soon as you get well you'll also be able to enjoy einen Verlängerten oder Melange in your backyard as soon as you get well. I wish I could bake you a Linzertorte and bring it to you.
Love, Irene
Ihr Lieben, was die Zahl der weissen Blutkörperchen betrifft:
"Those Happy Thoughts, In My Head, I'm Feeling Like I'm Peter Pan...Happy To See How Far I've Come... So I Move Along A Bit Higher.
I'll Be Up Up And Away
Up Up And Away ..."
Dear Friends Peter-san & Jutta-san,
Sending greetings from afar, yet through the blog feel close enough to wrap warm hugs all around.
Without permission I have sent this fab-u-lously powerful snap shot on to the Textile Society of America's upcoming symposium team as the mid-September 2012 theme is "Textiles & Politics!" This says it all right here, doesn't it, about brand power and colorful appeal?
On another note this is the uplifting spirit and medicine we also need in conjunction with your doctor's potions for a swift rebound. Now, maybe you'd rather have a Japanese Yukata with the Coca Cola logo as your style of sleeping attire (Or do you remember the drink machine selection including a sport's drink called Pokari Sweat)? Looking forward to feasting with you at the end of August. Start writing up your list of desires.
With best regards for the swift return of your health.
Lotsa of Good Lovin', Jorie
Lieber Peter, liebe Jutta,
Zur Abwechslung auch mal einen Kommentar in deutsch...ihr könntet es ja sonst verlernen, ha, ha!
Gratulation, lieber Peter, das Ansteigen der Blutplättchen, DIE gute Nachricht. Mach weiter so, du erinnerst dich, meine waren lange Zeit auf 2000...und ich fühle mit Dir und Jutta, was dieser Anstieg bedeutet..Aber es braucht auch immer den positiven Approach (neudeutsch),
sowohl von einem selbst, aber auch von seiner Umgebung. Und da muss ich sagen, Du bist so gut getragen von allen, vorallem von Jutta, die einfach super ist. Bravo, Jutta.
Mein lieber Freund, von Herzen wünsche ich Dir eine gute, erfolgreiche und anhaltende Genesung. Meine Gedanken sind bei Dir, bei Euch. Seid beide aufrichtigst und herzlichst umarmt.
Euer Bebbi im BO.. Jacques
Bravo Peter-san, wonderful news about your rising blood count and hospitable hospital stay.
Reading your blog which is a fine way to keep us informed.
Love from Kyoto about to burst into Cherry Blossom season. J
Peter and Jutta,
Sending my sincere love and prayers. It has been so wonderful checking up on you both and reading of your incredible strength. My family, including our two young sons, pray for you both daily along with your children and grandchildren. We wait for miracles...
Dear Peter,
We are over the moon today (and Venus and Jupiter, too!) to think of you on your way home.
Such an inspiration and a wonderful person you are. Words can't express enough the love and admiration we have for you, your fight, and all your fine friends and family.
Sweet dreams, friend.
With much love and 2 big hugs,
Janice and Jim
Ruth and John said....
Dear Peter and Jutta,
It is fantastic to read about your progress, well done! There is no place like home, is there! I just have one concern, or rather two: Your waistlines - I am putting on waight by just reading about all these delicasies!
Will you get this message? I have had several goes before. At least we get your blog news to our e-mail address now.
Enjoy your normal life and build up your strength and immune system.
With lots of love,
Ruth and John from Down Under
Dear Peter and Jutta,
How happy we are that the treatment has worked so well for you, Peter! And now it's wonderful that you and Jutta are home together again, and that the weather has turned so beautifully in your favor, in every way.
We will be in Maine next month for Margaret's graduation from Bates, and hope it will be possible for us to see you then. Meanwhile, thank you both for sharing your days with us. We feel we are right there with you both, enjoying the encouraging progress reports, those lovely healing meals, and your positive indomitable spirits. Know that we are, indeed, there with you.
Jackie and Marty
Lieber Peter, liebe Jutta
Von Herzen wünsche ich Euch eine frohe und zuversichtliche Ostern.
Möge die Gesundheit weiterhin so positiv verlaufen. Meine Gedanken belgeiten Euch auf diesem Weg.
E grosse Mutz and Euch Beide.
Herzlichst Euer
Dear Peter and Jutta,
We learned about Peter's health challenge and are amazed how brave and well you are facing this challenge together. Peter, we are so pleased for you that the treatments are working and your platlet count went up to get you on the upward swing. With Jutta's great cuisine and tender loving care as well as the excellent medical care at Maine Medical Center you are in good hands. You both have a wonderful support network from all over the world.
Peter, you will continue to make progress, your positive attitude is helping you a great deal in this battle.
Jutta, your blog is wonderful and tells both your story so well. Congratulations.
Kurt and I send you both our best wishes. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Warm regard from Brooksville,
Verena and Kurt
Dear Peter and Jutta,
I love your Easter tree Jutta and the lamb tenderloin looks yum. But best of all is reading about your path reports Peter, that continue to improve and those walks that get ever longer. Your love of life, your positive outlook together with Jutta's tender loving care and healthy cuisine are a great support to the expert medical care you are receiving.
Here are 2 affirmations I like to use in the morning in front of the bathroom mirror: My whole body is in perfect health. And: Please let my physical and auric bodies vibrate in harmony with the universe. I say them x3 each with great conviction, looking myself straight into my eyes.
Today was the monthly outing with the bird watching group. A sparkling autumn day. I got so many compliments on how well I looked, it was great. My next tests are 7 weeks away. You are inspiring me to give it my very best to hang in there!
With love and best wishes to you both
from Ruth and John from Down Under.
Dear Peter, dear Jutta:
Sedentary again, I read/reread your messages going back to the very end of March. Jutta,there are two sentences in there that are absolutely stunning:
"We had a normal day. We loved normal."
Let me move the past tense into the present and into the optative future.
Dear Jutta and Peter -
We are thinking of you and sending warm wishes your way. We are grateful for the regular updates. Let us know when you want to us to make some yummy homemade Indian food and to drop it off where ever it is most convenient for you. Please let us know what you are craving for (sweet, sour, tangy or simply spicy!) :-)
Speaking of Indian food, here is funny blog by one of our friends to traveled with us to India in February. I am sure it will make you smile - http://bodatravels.asia/travel-journal.php
Until we meet in person, please know that we are sending you both a big warm hug!
Much love - Ben and Noel
Hallo Ihr zwei LIeben,
Danke, liebe Jutta, für Deine Updates, die einem ein wenig von Eurem schwierigen Weg näherbringen.
Ich bin fest überzeugt, lieber Peter,dass Du es packen wirst, auch wenn der Weg steinig, mühsam und manchmal frustrierend ist. Ich hoffe ich kann Dir Mut und Zuversicht geben, so wie Du es mir auch gegeben hast. Ich denke oft an Euch, und bin beeindruckt wie Ihr Beide diese Situation zusammen meistert. All the best,my dear friend. Seid beide fest umarmt.
I ha Euch so fescht gärn.
So glad you have a few moments of normalcy in your lives! We all understand how precious that can be. You both know how to find joy no matter how hidden it may seem. I think it's because you carry it around with you.
With love and admiration from all your friends on the Blue Hill Peninsula,
Paul and Jill
Dear Peter and Jutta,
Our thoughts are with you both a lot these days. Just got your blog update, what a lovely reception you got and you made the Pent House happen, good for you Jutta! Today must be day 3, and you are past halfway. You are in our prayers and on our distant Reiki healing list and we are keeping figers and toes crossed, Peter. You have Jutta batting for you and keeping you strong with all that super food and you have got that heart of a twenty year old! We look forward to the next update.
With lots of love, Ruth and John.
Lieber Peter, liebe Jutta,
Ich wünsche Euch beiden viel Kraft und Zuversicht für die nächste Runde.
Wie Ihr dies zusammen durchsteht, einander beisteht, für einander da seid...châpeau! Von Herzen nur das Beste. Ich gehe nun mit einem Freund für 3 Wochen nach Florenz um unser Italienisch aufzubessern.Leider hat es mir vor 3 Tagen eine Bandscheibe herausgespickt...werde sehen wie das geht.. Anyway. E grosse Mutz für Euch Beide und ich denke an Euch. Herzlichst Jacques
Dear Peter and Jutta,
Our thoughts are with you a lot. Have those white cells stopped dropping yet? If not, they will soon, keep positive and believe. Do you do immaging? For me the red cells look like Knorrli-happy and bouncy. The white cells look the same but wear sparkly white suits. I talk to them, praise and encourage them. The badies wear charcoal gray, they look skinny, sick and grumpy and wear their caps back to front. I encourage them to leave as there will never be any joy for them in my body.
It is fantastic that you do your morning exercises despite feeling tired and are outside as much as possible. It is good to work up an appetite for the yummies Yutta brings in!
With heaps of love and best wishes,
Ruth and John.
Greetings Peter & Jutta, Exactly three months since this medical alert started and you are both braving the days one by one. Wish to be there to keep company, weed the garden, mend the socks or do something. This is like in a science fiction film and once the Master has his sap revitalized he'll be ready for even greater action moves.
As for the mask, once one gets used to wearing one on occasion, believe me, you will want to wear them more often during dusty, buggy bike rides along the river sides or while marching through some of our great cities!
"Breathe deeply" is not an unconcious act these days, it is a tough thing to do, OR am I just turning Japanese....
I have to get that book! What wonderful advice - just like that song from the 60's. "Live for today and don't worry about tomorrow..."
Peter, I'm sending oodles of strength to help you through this rough time. One day at a time...
Love, Irene
Dear Peter and Jutta,
You are doing so well, that is really great! I do love those colorful socks! Please be good, wear that mask, don't get chilled, think about all those good cells, see them multiplying in your minds eyes. Jutta take care, too. If you get a sniffle you can't go visiting. You need to be together, you are a great team!
With lots of love,
Ruth and John
Ihr Lieben, Tapferen
Faust wollte sich von Frau Sorge die Gegenwart nicht zerstören lassen. Lieber Peter, Du befindest Dich somit in allerbester Gesellschaft!
Wenn ich Euch schon nicht bekochen kann, hier zumindest ein virtueller Beitrag zu Eurem imposanten Speisezettel:
Crab Meat Quiche
1. Line pie plate with regular pastry, brush with lightly beaten egg white, place in freezer for 1 hour or more.
2. Spread cheese over pie crust. Combine crab meat with onion, sherry, etc. and spread on top of the cheese.
Beat eggs lightly with cream and pout over crabmeat. Sprinkle with paprika.
3. Freeze pie. When firm, wrap and freeze.
4. Serving day: Bake at 500 F for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 400 F and bake at another 50 minutes, until custard is set and it is browned on top. Serve with a green salad.
To serve without freezing, reduce final baking at 400 F to 30 minutes.
Parmesan 1/2 cups
Crabmeat 1 1/2 cups
Small onion, finely chopped 1
Dry sherry 2 Tb.
(Salt 1/2 tsp.)
Pepper 1/8 tsp.
Cayenne pinch
Tarragon 1/8 tsp.
Eggs 4
Heavy cream 2 cups
E guete mitenand!
Happy homecoming, Peter, and hugs to all.
Dear Peter and Jutta,
My heart is full hearing your fabulous news, that Peter turned a corner today and there is hope that he can come home soon! Peter, you are something! I think about my Papa, calling himself "the come back kid." You are the "I am doing it kid," or some such.
I send you both huge hugs and so much love as you look forward to being at home together.
Dear Peter and Jutta,
Congratulations, well done, welcome back to wonderful normal! Peter , you are looking so well, too! Jutta will have you fit and well by the next round. But for now just enjoy-enjoy-enjoy!
With lots of love, Ruth and John.
Lieber Peter, liebe Jutta
Bin soeben von meinem 3 wöchigen Italienisch-Kurs in Florenz zurück.
Wie lange ich das gelernte behalten kann...will see.
Auf jeden Fall hat es mich riesig gefreut, dass Du, lieber Peter wieder zuhause bist. One step further auf diesem dornigen Weg. Wenn ich aber lese was Jutta und viele Andere für dich machen...Je tire mon châpeau. Weiterhin viel Mut und Zuversicht, ich denke oft an Euch. Big hug Jacques
Lieber Peter, erfreulich deine neuesten Infos zu lesen.Betreffend deinem Fudi will ich nicht nachfragen...ha, ha. Auf jeden Fall wünsche ich dir viel Mut, Glück und Vertrauen in die, hoffentlich, letzte Runde. Ich denke fest an dich. Von Herzen All The Best.
Big hug Jacques
Lieber Peter,
Es ist schön Dich wieder zuhause zu sehen, und waisch was, jetzt hätt ich au Lust uff e feyne Hamburger..
Ich drücke Dir weiterhin die Daumen, dass sich alles weiterhin positif entwickelt. Du bist von so tollen Leuten umgeben, ganz zu schweigen von Jutta (einfach toll), dass es nur aufwärts gehen kann. Ich bin in Gedanken so oft bei Dir, mein lieber Freund...
All the best and a BIG HUG, nadyrlig au an Jutta.
Dein Jacques
Lieber Peter, was kann man dir schon sagen, was man noch nicht gesagt hat...man kann nur deinen Mut und deine Zuversicht bewundern und deine determination. Natürlich ist auch dein so dedicated Umfeld von grösster Bedeutung, und weiss Gott, they do a tremendous job.
Ich drücke dir weiterhin die Daumen, keep your spirits up...I know what it takes, but if somebody can and will do it.. it's YOU.
Liebste Grüsse und e grosse Schmutz an Di und Jutta.
Herzlichst dein Jacques
Lieber Peter,
Was für eine gute Neuigkeit...einfach nur toll. Bin so froh für dich und Jutta. Hoffe es geht so gut weiter.
Big hug
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