Yesterday Peter entered week three at Maine Med. The neutrophils have finally dropped to 0, the waiting game begins until his blood values rise again. Because Peter is in remission, probably because he received less chemo, he is in much better shape than last time when I had a hard time persuading him to get out of bed. We would walk ever so slowly along those corridors, Peter's arm resting on my shoulder for support. Not this time. Peter is out and about to keep himself from going stir crazy. He goes to the courtyard at frequent intervals, does his morning exercises and even has taken advantage of the "kitchen" to toast some bread for breakfast a couple of times. I organized a fridge for Peter's room which is stocked with jams, butter, yoghurt and left over tarts from Marie, his "tart angel".
Heidi suggested I put a lamb fur on Peter's chair. When Ciara and Ysanne where born we bought one for each on a farm in Deer Isle. The girls were very attached to them and later, when they went to school, would lie on their furs on sick days spent at our house. They are almost 16 now but I kept that remnant of their childhood. Washed and re-lanolized they have found a new purpose.
On to more fiber: Since Mark's Maria knitted Peter a pair of colorful socks he does not want to wear his Pumas anymore. I had a hard time wresting the elegant footwear from him to be washed. So Maria let those needles fly and made two more pairs which arrived from Sweden in a beautiful package.
I took this picture today when Peter was lying on the Hudson Bay blanket he won on a fishing trip in Minnesota about 30 years ago and which he wanted to take along to the hospital. Funny how objects from home, from our real life, become monumentally important in this sterile environment.
A month ago Christina came over with an almost finished Jacques Cousteau hat which she had knitted for Peter. If you look closely you can see the knitting needles sticking out on top of Peter's head. This was the third hat she created for him and everyone's favorite. I meant to post the picture at that time.
Christina has also brought wonderful CD's to the hospital. I have walked into Peter's room with Maria Callas singing arias or to the strains of flamenco guitar.
So you see, we are making the best of a bad situation. Peter is immersed in a book about Kennedy right now that his friend Peter lent him, we eat well, we try to be patient and to live in the moment.
Thank you for being there for us!
Dear Jutta, Dear Peter, so glad to hear that this time around, while tough, is not as tough as last time. Perhaps all the love and special food and clothing have had a hand in this...whatever the reasons, we give thanks. With healing thoughts and love, David and Joan
That was a beautifully moving post. I loved the photo just of the socks!
I can just hear callas singing away-so nice that you are able to bring things to make your space speciale. It must make such a difference.
I am glad you are motivated to get out and about more on your own Peter. It must make it easier for both of you to not feel as badly this time. Despite the many years since we have seen you, Andrew & I feel so little distance or maybe it is because of our professions. But we are thinking and actively rooting for you with all we have.
:)) Ally & Andrew
Very pleased to hear that Peter is a bit stronger for this round. Home stretch. Before you know it, Peter will be back home and enjoying the Portland summer. I have no doubt that the remaining time in hospital will pass quickly. Day by day....
Monica and Gregg
Glad to see you're on your way up and can move around without any help! It was great skyping with you yesterday.
Maria and me went on a 12 hour hike today with a stop at a remote lake where we took a break. Check my Facebook pictures. We're now totally bushed and decided to stay home for dinner rather than going out. Friday I leave for Seattle again. It was a short but sweet visit.
I'll try pinging you again tomorrow. Until then, all the best, and further healing strength!
Much love!
Hope things are going well, Daddy and Mammy! I'll call once I get to SEA.
Currently waiting for my flight to CPH where I'll catch the flight to Seattlle.
It's been a nice time in Gillberga, but far too short! Maria and I just got into the groove again. Oh well, now we'll have to wait another four months or so...
Much love, hugs and kisses. Godspeed on your recovery, Daddy!!!
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