
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday, July 26th

Monday's blood test showed that Peter's platelet count was down to 5000, alarmingly low. As a refresher, a "normal" person has a platelet count of 150000 +. Peter received a bag of platelets immediately and his count went up to 26000 by Wednesday.

By now we are seasoned hands and  don't get overly alarmed when the blood counts spiral downward. We know what to expect. We even hope for a low count because it tells us that the chemo has done its job and has destroyed the bone marrow. By now we know that we'll be in a holding pattern until Peter's neutrophils get up to the desired levels again. He is taking antibiotics to ward off infections in this vulnerable time.

Jarrod from Rosemont Market had a special surprise for us today....lamb tenderloins. In spite of being wiped, Peter rallied and fired up the grill for this treat, grilling the meat to perfection alongside  local vegetables.

Our friends Bruce and Landis had arranged to have a case of very special assorted wines delivered from Rosemont Market today. Peter and I enjoyed pairing one of the wines, a full bodied Austrian red, with the meal. Yum! To Peter's delight Dr. Boyd feels it is perfectly wonderful for him to drink a glass of wine with his meals!

Since Peter is neutropenic [no white blood cells] since Monday, he tires easily and is out of breath at the slightest exertion. We keep visitors restricted to family, although even with them kisses are strictly forbidden.

Peter being Peter, he tackles this low point remarkably well, taking short walks, puttering around the garden and helping me with this and that around the house. I am in awe!

He also enjoys the frequent phone calls from his sons, Mark and Hai. Marie, his tart angel, and Jenepher, our neighbor across the street, have sweetened his life with their baked delicacies. Cards have trickled in, a book that an old friend from Deer Isle wrote.....Waltzing With Bracey...sent by Mary and Richard, e-mails and letters, all of this a balm in this hard time in our lives. And not to forget your regular posts on our blog which are deeply appreciated by both of us

2 comments: said...

OK, Generals, step to the fore -- time to show you deserve your stars! Peter, we are playing military marches here on Deer Isle and anticipate a veritable crowd of generals will show themselves very soon. Meanwhile, remember the great William S. taught us that sleep knits up the ravelled sleeve of care, and so does rest. So we hope you're keeping the parade ground swept and calm with a nice reviewing stand for the generals to use when they report for duty.

Sending healing thoughts and love, Joan and David

Monica and Gregg said...

Improvement in those white blood cells is around the corner. We're still wrapping our minds around the fact that this is the third time around. Thank goodness, it's summer and the weather is with you to spend some time outside. What a brilliant morning glory flower you posted! And the mixed grille fare is not so bad either! Simple pleasures that mean so much.
Monica and Gregg