As I walked towards the hospital tonight this elegant gentleman caught my eye. Smitten by his outfit, I bravely asked him if I may take a picture and he graciously posed for me. Just look at the colors, the crossculture symbolism of the print. He told me the fabric is from the Congo and a friends wife here in Portland sewed the ensemble for him. Look at the shoes!
Peter had his hair shaved off today and is now wearing the beautiful wool cap Christina knitted for him. She is already working on one made with cotton yarn since the temperatures climbed to 80 plus degrees today. Thank you Christina!
It was not the best of days. Peter's inflamed leg was not much improved and the head scratching by the various doctors continued. That team of white blood cells needs to get its act together so my love can continue to move forward on his path to recovery.
Peter and I did venture down to the courtyard and sat in the sun for a while after lunch. Even with his mask on he was able to soak in its life giving strength.
Coming back to his room Peter exclaimed: "Ah, what an oasis!" I have brought in a few touches from home including a lamp to make the room cozy when night falls and in the daytime the wall of windows makes it inviting. The hospital noises are muffled by the low hum of the air circulation system. We make the best of a less than ideal situation......
Thank you for all the recent comments. I wish you could see Peter's face when he reads them!
80+ degrees???? In Maine? In March? I cannot believe it!
Sorry for not calling today, but I met Michael right after work for dinner. He sends all his best wishes and love and healing powers, just like myself.
I'd like to see a picture of the oasis of a hospital room you have created - sounds great!
I hope the docs figure out the leg issue soon - what a bugger!
Thinking of you all the time, Daddy - hang in there during the regeneration phase!
Much love and big hug,
Dear Jutta and Peter,
Just a little note to say you are both in my thoughts and sending prayer and healing thoughts up north, to you. Jutta, your story of letting the nutritionists know your feelings over the food served at the hospital, made me laugh, you are awesome!
I hope you are able to go outdoors again, today, Peter. Nothing like warmth and sunshine to get those white cells working :) I wish you a day filled with peace and good news...
Cathy Manganello
Dear Peter and Jutta-
You have been in our thoughts here next door every day - It seems awfully quiet around here with weather like we've been having and no voices or gardening sounds coming through the hedge! We're eagerly awaiting the return of our neighbors, and want to remind you that if there is ANYTHING whatsoever we can do, to call.
Meanwhile, I love the blog - it's inspiring to read about how you have found beauty and humanity at Maine Med- the photographs are wonderful, the stories even better.
I don't think anyone can ever really understand what you are in fact going through, but you have generously opened a door into your lives, and it's a comfort to hear about your and Peter's humor, and tales of my friend Dr. Boyd, and of course, the food. Your room looks like Portland's newest four star restaurant!
Thank you for sharing during this difficult time. Lots of love and hopes for a quick success with the chemo!
Perhaps Jutta can find some of that colorful Congolese fabric to make you some pajamas! Holy smokes! That would wake up the white blood cells.
Love, as always,
I'd love to see the jammies you end up making, Jutta!
I add my voice to the chorus cheering you on and enjoying the stories and photos.
love to you both,
That is the BEST photo. Bravo to you Jutta for asking-
I am sorry about your hair Peter but perhaps it will now be less annoying than picking or sweeping it off of your shoulders.
You continue to write so vividly of your experiences Jutta that it seems the reader is experiencing it first hand. But of course you are only sharing the good parts.
Hope your leg cools down. You need better numbers, right?
Hi Peter:
Marie and I are cheering you on from the sidelines. I agree with everyone and think that Congolese yellow outfit would look smashing on you.
We are sending energy and strength to you, and our love.
Lucian and Marie
Dear Peter, Dear Jutta, so sorry the leg is being painful and the white blood cells are slow in reporting to the recruiting station. I believe they will show up very soon. Perhaps you can think up a particularly engaging enlistment bonus -- or develop a seriously wonderful uniform based on Jutta's charming photograph --and post signs advertising it around the inside of your body? There are studies which indicate that this kind of imaginative mental work can be helpful in producing tangible physical results. Just a thought. Much love to you both from Joan and David
Love the Coca-Cola man! It is truly spring with such an outrageous outfit in full bloom! This is the end of the second week of treatment and, besides the leg, it sounds like everything is progressing well. With the new season, there will be warm and happy times ahead...I can feel it in my heart.
Much love,
I have to say that I am moved to warm tears by all of the happy and loving moments written about on your blog.
I want to recommend you watch "Who Do You Think You Are" which was on tonite with Helen Hunt. I thought of you both a great deal as they spent a good deal of interesting time in Portland. See if you can replay it there the way we can here, or perhaps it is yet to play there and one of your friends can tape it for you.
My love and thoughts are with you both and happy to read your blog and see the pictures! Pamela.
Dear Peter and Jutta,
I am so glad to read that those white bloodcells are finally doing what they're supposed to do , namely multiply, and that you feel better!
I just finished your new beanie hat in (cool)cotton, now that it is pouring outside and the temperatures dropped to a normal 40...
I will deliver it asap, I made it in purple ( dark purple, don't worry!). It is the color of the head chakra, and I am hoping to assist a little bit in trying to heal your body's balance!? Every stitch contains good wishes and loving
thoughts to you for a steady progress!
Much love,
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