
Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 14th

Partial view from the windowfront in Peter's room
Peter has been at Maine Medical Center in the Gibson Pavilion for a week now and will be there for 3 to 4 weeks with the goal being that the cancer goes into remission.

Lunch at our table by the window
The treatment of course is hard on Peter even though he is in excellent shape. We are on a roller coaster ride between the highs of good days/ hours and the lows when Peter is struggling to stay awake. Luckily he never got nauseous and his appetite was excellent the first few days of chemo so we could enjoy all the home cooked meals I bring to the hospital.

The staff is wonderful and they love Peter. They think we are the cutest item. We feel safe and confident that there will be a good end to the nightmare. Peter is in a pressurized wing of Gibson which is nicknamed The Penthouse. The air is fresh like the outdoors and sunlight floods the room in the morning. Peter has daily Reiki sessions administered by therapists who volunteer at the hospital. At least 3 times a week he gets osteopathy treatments. The effects of these two therapies are amazing. They help calm him and give him energy to withstand all the challenges.

There is a radio/CD player in the room and we listen to our favorite jazz cd's. There is a DVD player. A friend with connections sent us a stack of the latest Oscar nominated movies and we watch them in segments over several evenings snuggled on Peter's bed. Would it not be for all the paraphernalia and the constant humming of the equipment it would almost feel like a vacation.

Peter started out feeling terrific today but as the day progressed a lot of issues came up and the room was like a beehive with people checking on him and making sure that he would get all the necessary help. It's scary.

Going to stop now since I want to send the first posting out to all of you. Now that the blog will be established I can simply give you updates. We welcome your comments and will respond. It is so important to know that  we are supported by the love of our family and friends as Peter faces one more challenge in his life.


Avy Claire said...

Thanks for sharing all the moments. Your lunch will keep anyone's appetite going strong.
I continue to send all my love and light, and hope that tomorrow's sun brings a better day for Peter.
xxoo Avy

Evelina said...

Lieber Peter, liebe Jutta,
seid herzlichsts gegruesst! Wir halten natuerlich Peter beide Daumen, dass er alles heil uebersteht und bald wieder mit seinem Backhand die Gegner auf dem Tennisplatz wegscheut.. Ich weiss, mit dem Skilaufen war es nichts besonderes diese Saison, die Bedingungen waren einfach nicht die besten, aber naechste Saison faengt schon in 8 Monaten an:)
peter und Jutta, lasst es Euch gut so gut wie es geht in dem MMC gehen. Es ist toll, dass ihr Euch habt! uebrigens seid iht Tatort Freunde? Jede Woche kann man sich auf Abruf 2 Folgen angucken.

Liebe Gruesse!
Eva +family

Anonymous said...

Hola Silverback

Que te mejores pronto. Otra opción es no opción. Yo so contigo.

Hasta la vista

El hijo pródigo

Deborah said...

The heart of a 20 year old! MY heart sings to hear that. Peter, that will lift you through this and into recovery. As someone else said, there is no other option.
Much love and affection for you both. Deborah

Ally said...

wow, the daily Reiki treatments sound amazing. I think it so great that your medical center allows and encourages such alternative treatments which can do nothing but improve Peter's health. And of course your food as photographed must be an integral part of his treatment. Despite being in Maine, I am sure the institutional nature of the hospital food lacks at least 75% of what yours includes. I hope his day ended more calmly than your posting time seemed to indicate it was.
One week completed, that is a milestone of it's own that you can be proud of.
Jutta, you presented such a complete sense of the first week on your posting- I am sure you both are definitely the "cutest items" they have had for a long time @ Maine Med Ctr.

Ally said...

sorry, I posted as "none"- I will try to correct that error as certainly the frustration of trying to figure out who is posting on your blog is suboptimal.
Ally de Groat

Vicki Pollard said...

Peter and Jutta,

I am sending you both all my prayers and healing energy. I hold you in tenderness and in deep faith.

With my love, Vicki

Bessie moulton said...

Look at that "home cooked meal!" Jutta knows how to feed the soul.

I sent another comment but guess I didn't pass the Google test.

Bessie moulton said...

I love the picture of the two of shows your joyful, playful zest for life.
The fact that Peter is an incredible athlete, and has been his whole life (I love his stories about skiing with his dad in Switzerland as a young boy)will pay back now.
The blog is a great idea. We have been wondering how things were going but didn't want to intrude.
Jutta, please let us know what we can do to lend a hand, the two of you are the first ones there to help others...
We love you guys,
Bess & Dana

Hai said...

Hola Silverback

Und schon reicht mein spanisch nicht mehr aus. Das Essen von Mami ist wie immer super - kochen kann sie, oooh mein Gott. Auf dem Bild sieht soooo toll aus. Habe hunggeerrr.

Ich komme zu dir ins Spital - Daddy.

El hijo pródigo

Claudia W said...

Dear Jutta and Peter: I look at that photo of such a healthy, colorful, divine spread of food, and I am first so impressed and intrigued -- what are those wonderful dishes?

But then I realize that my greater feeling is that I find it so deeply moving to see your love and care expressed in each dicing, slicing, and sautee-ing -- a devotion and courage expressed so perfectly in making every place you inhabit a lovely, nurturing home and refuge.

with great affection / claudia

Ruth and John said...

Dear Peter and Jutta

What a shock to get Frieder's e-mail today and how fantastic to go onto your blog site and immediatly get answers to all the questions. You both look absolutly fantastic and your positive attitude is palpable!Peter you will achieve a good remission, you have everything going for you: Jutta, the leader of your fan club and preparer of fantastic and healthy food, expert medical care made tolerable by Reiki treatments, massive support from family and friends and of course that heart of a twenty year old! Take one day at a time. There will be rough patches - they pass. Have you got some CDs with meditation music? When you feel lousy you might prefer it to Jazz. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are both already on my Reiki grid, which sends Reiki healing to all listed. Let me know if you want some CDs.

With lots of love, Ruth and John from Down Under.

The Astrachans said...

Dear Peter and Jutta,

We were so happy to see your picture today, you look your usual 'handsome dude'-self, Peter, almost like you're at a spa! Yesterday's birthday celebrations sound beautiful and heart warming. Your family knows how to love and support each other like no other. And we're all thinking of you and sending positive energy and love!
I hope you had a good day and got to go outside to enjoy the wonderful spring day.
Much love,
Christina, Gary & Sammy

Joan and David said...

Dear Peter, Dear Jutta -- we are so sorry you have to go through this hard time. We are also confident that with Peter's strong heart, Jutta's amazing cooking with all organic ingredients, and your deep love for one another, family, and friends, you will prevail! We send love and prayers and every good wish. Joan and

Heidi said...

thinking of you Daddy - all the time.
Thank you for being strong for us.
We love you!

Avy said...

I send healing thoughts. How wonderful that Vicki stopped by. All the wonderful support is the testament of your and Peter's gift of friendship to all whom you meet.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your birthday and Peter's smile and for the stories of the love that surrounds you. I love you both and have faith you'll be drinking that lovely chilled wine soon!

Roy and family said...

Dear Peter & Jutta,

Reading about your gifts of Enduring Love, Focus & Strength and all the Positiive Energy you both have as well as the wishes from everyone are amazing. Please know that we love you and will be praying for you.

Many Hugs from your nephews & nieces also grand,
Roy, Cindy, Kelly, Andrew & Evan Christopher

When the sun goes down, the stars come out.

lorie dorrance said...


We think of you every day. We are so touched by these photos and Jutta's wonderful messages.
We wish you well today and every day throughout this journey.

All our love,

Lorie, Scott, Nolan and Miles

Elke said...

Hello you two wonders of the human race...
Congratulations on the amazing news that the chemo worked!!!
Peter's hair....OK so he will not be the SILVER fox...but he still will be a FOX....SHAVE THE HEAD AND GET RID OF THE MESS.....the hair will go in even stronger.

Love the pics of the food and the homeyness of the table cloth, bamboo plates, etc....and no plastic!!
xoxoxo, Elke

Elke said...

I meant to type "GROW" not go.....

Hai said...

"Nosotros somos contigo!"

Daddy, du würdest sagen, ich sei eine Pfeife und hast sogar recht. Ich muss noch mehr spanisch lernen :-)

Ally and Anfrew said...

That is the BEST photo. Bravo to you Jutta for asking-
I am sorry about your hair Peter but perhaps it will now be less annoying than picking or sweeping it off of your shoulders.
You continue to write so vividly of your experiences Jutta that it seems the reader is experiencing it first hand. But of course you are only sharing the good parts.
Hope your leg cools down. You need better numbers, right?

Deborah said...


Perhaps Jutta can find some of that colorful Congolese fabric to make you some pajamas! Holy smokes! That would wake up the white blood cells.

Love, as always,


Joan and David said...

Dear Peter, Dear Jutta, so sorry the leg is being painful and the white blood cells are slow in reporting to the recruiting station. I believe they will show up very soon. Perhaps you can think up a particularly engaging enlistment bonus -- or develop a seriously wonderful uniform based on Jutta's charming photograph --and post signs advertising it around the inside of your body? There are studies which indicate that this kind of imaginative mental work can be helpful in producing tangible physical results. Just a thought. Much love to you both from Joan and David

Lucian and Marie said...

Hi Peter:

Marie and I are cheering you on from the sidelines. I agree with everyone and think that Congolese yellow outfit would look smashing on you.

We are sending energy and strength to you, and our love.

Lucian and Marie

Jutta Graf said...

Hi Guys,

Encouraging news that´s for sure, we are so glad .
Jutta, what a caring wife you are, but do not overdo it, Peter might not want to leave the hospital again, fearing that this kind of royal treatment will not continue, once he has been released. That would not be in my interest, because there is a bottle of nice wine waiting.

Hope to see you soon, Heiner