
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday April 25th

Once a year we get a letter from Swiss Social Security demanding proof that we are a] alive and b] still married. In order to receive our monthly payment we complied and went down to City Hall yesterday to get officially certified.

We married in New York in 1960 while Hurricane Edna was raging, but as we walked out of church the sun broke through. Our life together has been like that wedding day in so many ways.

Peter is feeling great today. He went to an osteopath yesterday which got things flowing in the still offending leg. We are both anxious about our visit with Dr. Boyd tomorrow. In all likelihood it'll be back to the hospital next week.

We took a wonderful long walk at Gilsland Farm today over the fields and through the woods. Swallows were dive bombing for insects. Everything is bursting into bloom after 2 days of rain.

5 comments: said...

Dear Jutta, Dear Peter, we will await news of your doctor's visit and are sending love and prayer for strength and peace. Joan and David PS Great farm shot! And great marriage certificate!

Ally said...

Great marriage certificate photo!
Many, many years together. A testament to your relationship. Good luck with your appt seeing Dr. Boyd and know we are rooting for a good outcome whichever way you will be treated Peter.
And your leg, I hope that heals up before the chemotherapy starts up again.
Ally & Andrew

Monica and Gregg said...

Coming up to 52 years! Who would've thought that in today's world this is considered a major accomplishment! It sounds like you're on the right track to getting relief for Peter's dodgy leg. Very pleased to hear that there's been improvement!
Much love, as always,
Monica and Gregg

Avy Claire said...

Dear Jutta and Peter. I think of you today as you prepare for the next bit of weather, knowing that the sun will break through again for you.
I do believe that the clouds break way by your love.

Debra said...

Dear Peter and Jutta.
This is all great news. Happy Anniversary. You 2 sure are models for a happy long time marriage. I love knowing you all these years and watching your love grow.
Also good luck with Dr. Boyd.
Much love